Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday Five: The B-I-B-L-E

It's time for Friday Five! Mother Laura asked some questions about the Bible.

1. What is your earliest memory of encountering a biblical text?

That's easy! My mama took me to church to illustrate one! I was just getting ready to take my Canine Good Citizen test and the lesson for that week had something about distractions in it. I went into church for the Children's Time and my mama talked about distractions and how that is part of the CGC test and part of the life of faith, too. People liked me, and they understood my mama's message better after watching me do some of my tricks, even though I was in church. I kept my eyes on my mama and showed my eye contact!

I also learned that there are "alternate" translations, and "the sin that distracts" was in one of them.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2, NRSV)

I know I get distracted sometimes and want to run off, and it must be even harder for people, since they aren't as good as dogs, mostly.

2. What is your favorite biblical translation, and why? (You might have a few for different purposes).

I like the RDSV (RevDog Standard Version).

3. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Your favorite verse/passage?

There's a story about a lady who tells Jesus that even the dogs under the table get the children's crumbs. I like that idea. I get the children's crumbs a lot, and even their leftovers. It makes me sad that some children don't have enough to eat. That lady was smart, and she helped Jesus think about who he was here to talk to and love, which is everybody.

4. Which book of the Bible do you consider, in Luther's famous words about James, to be "an epistle of straw?" Which verse(s) make you want to scream?

I prefer to discuss the great canine theologian, Martin Wroofer, who once said, "Wroo wroo! Too many rules in Leviticus! Listen to Jesus: love God, love others and love yourself. And don't forget to love dogs, too."

5. Inclusive language in biblical translation and liturgical proclamation: for, against, or neutral?

I think you should always include all the creatures. Don't forget the dogs. Or the cats. When I was scared of the No Fun-derstorm last night, I got on the bed with my mama and Baby the cat, and Baby didn't bother me at all, and I didn't bother her either.

Bonus: Back to the Psalms--which one best speaks the prayer of your heart?

I like to sing, so I love the psalms, especially the rejoicing ones! Even when my elbow hurts, which is a lot lately, I try to stay happy. If you're ever feeling glum, just read Psalm 150. It says, "Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!" And I do.

I hope you'll play, too.


Karla Miller said...

good wise words, molly pretty paws!

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

oh molly sorry bout your elbow... i barfed again this morning in the living room by the front door so my momma is not happy right now (although she's typing for me)... i'll try to get some praise in today and i too love Wroofer...if i could only keep my biscuits down.
- MochaJava Puppy

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Great play Molly! I love that story about the dog and the crumbs too....

leah said...

you're right about the dogs and the cats, molly--thanks for a great play today!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to get a copy of RDSV for F--he'd probably chew it up, though.

1-4 Grace said...

Way to go Molly! Rememeber the dogs, and the cats,...and the frogs (Bonnie Frog said so!) and all the creatures.
Very good play. I eat crumbs and soemtiems I try and get stuff off Mommy's plate.
Hope your "bell-bow" is better.
I had to go to get my first dip todya and now I stink and Mel hissed at me.
Mommy has to be careful cause she is 'lergic to the dip stuff.
Mugsy the Kitteh

Diane M. Roth said...

Scout says woof! all creatures SHOULD be included. She also thinks you are to be commended for being a canine good citizen.

Molly said...

Dear MochaJava Puppy,
My brother Sam sometimes barfs in the house, but I always hightail it to the back door and get out to the yard if my tummy is upset. If you learn to do that, your people will praise you with great praise!
Kievas, that's the great thing about the RDSV: chew on it all you want, it never falls apart.
Mugsy, one of our boys is allergic to kitties, and that is sad.
Diane, tell Scout I said, "Hey!"

Tiria the Shadow Princess said...

Hi Molly
I am going to look for the RCSV. I think I would like it. The usual translation on Giver of Greenie's desk has funny squiggles. I just put cat hair on it to give it ambiance.

The Shadow Princess.