Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Five: Rivers in the Desert

For this Friday Five, name five practices, activities, people or _____ (feel free to fill in something I may be forgetting) that for you are rivers in the desert.

1. I really love to meet new people. I like dogs, but I love people even more. Most people love me, too, unless they are just afraid of big dogs. I tell them, "You should see my brother at home!"

2. Milkbones are the best treat ever! I would do almost anything for a Milkbone. My mom calls them "doggie crack," but I'm not sure what that means.

3. The smell of cat food in the air, either being put down for the cat or freshly thrown-up by one of our cats. I can smell it anywhere in the house, and I feel it's my job to go and clean it up as quickly as possible.

4. Sitting in my chair in the living room. I like to hang out with my people in the evening, when they are watching TV. Sometimes the kids try to get my chair, and sometimes I might let one of them, but I prefer to sit in it and be with all of them. They can lie on the floor. It won't hurt them.

5. Going to the vet. The people there all know me, and when I have an owie they make it better. I have had lots of owies in my life. My joints are not very good. When I was still a puppy I had two kinds of surgery, one for a hip, and one for both elbows. Today the vet (her name is Dr. Molly, isn't that high-larious?) told my mom I have arthritis in one of my wrists, too, so I am going to take a bigger dose of my medicine every day and see if that helps. My mom loves me a lot, and so does my dad, even if he is grumpy sometimes when I lie down during a walk. But now he will have to let me because Dr. Molly said so!

What are your rivers in the desert?

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Snow Day Pictures

Yesterday it snowed a lot! Then it turned to rain. I thought it might be different in the front yard, but it wasn't. My mom stood in the rain with Sam and me for a while, and we watched our human brother shovel. It was NOT fun. I got very wet.

But earlier it was okay. The new snow got really high on top of the old snow, so high Sam could look over the fence!

(That big mound on the fence is a rug. One of the cats peed on it. I guess it's going to the trash someday.)

Anyway, when our mom saw Sam standing up so high, she called him, "Sam! Sam!"

He listened to her.

I'm not sure why he does that.

I know I don't. Not when I'm in the backyard having fun.

What do you like to do in the snow?